Engineered for high-impact performance

Enhanced efficiency

Designed for optimized driving with minimal adjustments.

Proven and trusted

Consistent performance thanks to trusted technology, proven over decades.

Versatile power

Strong continuous energy allows pile penetration in a wide variety of ground conditions.

Optimized and consistent vibration

Fixed eccentric moment range: 46 – 300 kgm.

F-series: the go-to high-impact performance solution

IQIP’s F-series fixed moment vibratory hammers offer high-impact performance, maximum efficiency, and perfect integration with our field-proven Hydrohammer.

The F-series’ constant amplitude and frequency ensures continuous  steady energy delivery and superior driving performance in uniform soil conditions.

Eccentric momentkgm4680125300
Frequencyrpm160015501480In development
Centrifugal forcekN129121083003In development
Amplitude with clampmm181820In development
Amplitude without clampmm222525In development
Max. static line pullkN7307301100In development
Recommended hydrohammerS-150S-280S-500S-800
Recommended powerpackP-525P-8002x P-8002x P-1500
The recommended Vibro-Hydrohammer combinations serve as a guideline and can be adjusted on project-specific requirements

Hydraulic clamps

Two types for a wide range of pile types and sizes

IQIP offers universal clamps and caisson clamps  for use with our vibratory hammers in a variety of applications.

  • Secure connection
    A highly reliable piston locking system provides a safe, robust link between vibratory hammer and pile
  • Durable construction
    Crafted from high-strength alloy cast steel for superior performance and longevity
  • High-pressure operation
    Operates with pressured oil up to 350 bar, delivering reliable clamping force
  • Universal clamps
    Drive or extract sheet piles and beams efficiently
  • Caisson clamps
    Drive and extract tube piles accurately and securely
Clamp 0125

A combination you can build on

IQIP’s brand-new vibratory hammer is the perfect match for our proven Hydrohammer® S-series, as used in the most demanding applications worldwide.

  • Fully integrated Vibro-Hydrohammer combination for the most demanding foundation projects
  • Consistent, powerful, reliable pile driving
  • Robust design for high efficiency and precision
  • Reduced wear and tear
  • Minimized maintenance needs
  • Maximized uptime and on-site productivity
Vibro Hydro combination 0125
Curious? Please do not hesitate to contact us!