Efficient, effective, environmental solutions

Environmentally friendly

Using fresh or salt water instead of hydraulic oil as the operating medium eliminates oil spill risks.

Single hose

Hammer requires no return hose or high-voltage cable in medium to shallow waters, reducing points of failure.

Highly versatile

The Waterhammer is suitable for all piling jobs and can be used in salt or fresh water.

Reliable technology

No energy or performance loss – the liquid medium doesn’t need to be returned to surface.

Hydraulic impact hammer designed for (extreme) deepwater piling

The Waterhammer can be used at water depths up to 2,000 meters. At certain depths, its  hydraulic control system that uses water instead of oil  eliminates the need to return the liquid medium back to surface.


Environmentally friendly hydraulic impact hammer

The Waterhammer sets a new standard for eco-conscious piling solutions, using water as a hydraulic oil alternative. By relying solely on water, it eliminates the risk of hydraulic oil spills – ideal for environmentally sensitive projects.

Originally designed for deep-water oil and gas sector applications, the Waterhammer has also proven invaluable in coastal, river, and harbor construction projects.

  • The same intuitive controls as our standard hydraulic hammers,
  • Innovative design ensures efficient and reliable operation while prioritizing sustainability
  • Can be used in salt or fresh water
  • For all types of piling jobs: driving pipeline initiation piles, PLEM foundation piles, subsea template foundation piles, and piles for jackets and mooring systems of FPSO, FSO and SMP.

Meet the Waterhammer family

  • S-90W (90 kJ) and S-500W (500 kJ) versions available
  • Available for rent or purchase
  • Wide range of pile sleeves from 20” up to 144”
  • Compatible with sheetlegs and caisson piles up to 90kJ
  • Compatible with Rock Breaker up to 280kJ
S-90 WS-500 W
Max. net energykNm (kJ) 90500
Min. net energy*kNm (kJ) 950
Weight, Ramton4,525
Weight, Hammerton10,575
Length, Hammermm823812060
Recommended water flowl/min2501000
Power pack type, preferredP 460P 460
* The standard minimal energy setting is about 10% of the hammer’s maximum energy. When using the high frequency/low energy mode, the energy can be reduced to a minimum of 2% to 5%.
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