To ensure a high standard of products and services, we have obtained ISO 9001: 2015 certification for our Quality Management System. The quality of our equipment and services has brought IQIP to where it is today: a leading global supplier of intelligent equipment for foundation, installation and Decommissioning in the offshore Wind & Renewables, offshore Oil & Gas and Coastal & Civil market.
We are committed to achieving incident- and injury-free operations and reducing the likelihood of any negative impact resulting from health and safety issues. We endeavour to ensure safe working conditions for all the people working for – or on behalf of – IQIP in both the Netherlands and abroad. To guarantee that we take this seriously, we have achieved the ISO 45001:2018 certificate Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
At IQIP, we take care of our people, and we share our organisational core values: pro-activity, professionalism, ownership and ambition. Safety is an essential part of our craftsmanship and is reflected in our products and services. Our goal is to ensure that everyone who works for us can return home safely every day, and to achieve this we work together to Create A Right Environment. With this goal in mind, we have launched our Health and Safety improvement programme in which we continuously develop Safety Awareness and true Safety Leaders. By embarking on this journey together with all our stakeholders, we take care of ourselves, our colleagues, subcontractors and customers, and excel in the market.
IQIP innovates when it comes to minimising environmental impact and also, in its creation process (and supply chain), strives for environmentally friendly manufacture of its products. To this end, we have achieved ISO 14001:2015 certification for our Environmental Management System. IQIP is one of the early adopters of this certification in the industry. Hereby, we show our commitment to search for sustainable solutions to enhance our operations. Technological innovation is commonly embraced as the primary tool for reaching this goal, and we take our responsibility for developing sustainable equipment seriously. All our efforts are combined to safeguard sustainable and socially responsible operations for our clients and us.