Maximize efficiency, minimize vibrations

Fully adjustable eccentric moment

Start and stop with minimal vibrations – avoid disturbances to surrounding soils and nearby structures.

Advanced precision control

Optimal pile penetration in varying soil conditions at any driving speed and amplitude.

Prevent damage & disturbance

Reduce impact on marine and urban infrastructure like cranes, barges, heritage structures, utilities.

Efficient, safe, accurate pile driving anywhere

Operation with telescopic cranes provides significant installation flexibility.

Z-series: tailored to sensitive or urban environments

Z-series variable moment vibratory hammers combine precision, performance, safety and environmental care. A variable eccentric moment up to 80 kgm allows operators to fine-tune piling. Simply adjust amplitude to minimize vibrations during startup and shutdown, avoiding resonance and ground disturbance.

The Z-series is ideal for using near to populated areas or fragile structures, in varying soil conditions.

Eccentric momentkgm0-160-200-400-80
Frequencyrpm230022002200In development
Centrifugal forcekN0-9280-10620-2123In development
Amplitude with clampmm101010In development
Amplitude without clampmm161315In development
Max. static line pullkN300360800In development
Recommended hydrohammerS-30S-90S-280S-350
Recommended powerpackP-460P-525P-800In development
The recommended Vibro-Hydrohammer combinations serve as a guideline and can be adjusted on project-specific requirements.

Hydraulic clamps

Two types for a wide range of pile types and sizes

IQIP offers universal clamps and caisson clamps  for use with our vibratory hammers in a variety of applications.

  • Secure connection
    A highly reliable piston locking system provides a safe, robust link between vibratory hammer and pile
  • Durable construction
    Crafted from high-strength alloy cast steel for superior performance and longevity
  • High-pressure operation
    Operates with pressured oil up to 350 bar, delivering reliable clamping force
  • Universal clamps
    Drive or extract sheet piles and beams efficiently
  • Caisson clamps
    Drive and extract tube piles accurately and securely
Clamp 0125

A combination you can build on

IQIP’s brand-new vibratory hammer is the perfect match for our proven Hydrohammer® S-series, as used in the most demanding applications worldwide.

  • Fully integrated Vibro-Hydrohammer combination for the most demanding foundation projects
  • Consistent, powerful, reliable pile driving
  • Robust design for high efficiency and precision
  • Reduced wear and tear
  • Minimized maintenance needs
  • Maximized uptime and on-site productivity
Vibro Hydro combination 0125
Curious? Please do not hesitate to contact us!