Jacket Pile Gripper

Secure the jacket, retain the levelled position and offer stability

Levelling a jacket foundation into the correct position and creating a grouted connection to keep it secure, is a vital part of the installation process for offshore platforms and wind turbines.

Utilising the Jacket Pile Grippers (JPG) enables you to secure the jacket, retain the levelled position and offer stability during grouting operations, which results in improved grout connection quality and a reduction in cost.

After activation of the grippers the structure can be temporarily abandoned for circumstances such as bad weather, which reduces risk during installation.

2015 JPG in jacket

Operating Jacket Pile Gripper

The Jacket Pile Gripper has an extensive track record in the Offshore wind and Offshore Oil & Gas market. It is mostly used to secure the jackets from the outside, but can also be used to secure jackets from the inside (internally in skirt sleeve or bucket arrangement) with the Inside-out Jacket Pile Gripper.

The Jacket Pile Grippers can be operated from surface or with the subsea redundancy control. By operating the Jacket Pile Grippers from the surface, you are able to secure the structure from the surface without any subsea intervention, however if the need arises you are still able to operate the Jacket Pile Grippers subsea from the ROV interface panels or via a subsea hydraulic distribution manifold.

2015 JPGs in jacket


50t – 3800t holding capacities, however they can be tailored to your requirements
Pile diameters are limitless
Hydraulically operated gripping system with optional backup hydraulic
Optional diaphragms and grout wipers can be included on request
Inclusion of pile stabbing catcher cone structures can be designed and included on request
Hydraulically operated gripping system with optional backup hydraulic
Integrated jacket installation system on request
Early Age Cycling certification in accordance with DNV-ST-0126 upon request


The Jacket Pile Gripper has several optional functionalities to improve the installation process.

For example, the JPG can be completely subsea controlled, multiple hydraulic circuits can be applied to allow for redundancy and the combination with rubber diaphragms and grout wipers can be made to assist in the grouting operations.

In addition, we can add a levelling system to the Jacket Pile Gripper to increase the installation operations. In this way, you won’t need other levelling tools to level the jacket.

  • Extensive track record
  • Several redundancy options possible
  • Back-up operation via ROV is standard
  • Resistant to shock loads during pile driving
  • Levelling capability available
  • Reduces costs and increases safety
2006 Jacket Pile Gripper
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