Discover IQIP’s Handling and position solutions

With our pile handling and positioning solutions, we aim to reduce the installation and total costs of (offshore) projects and to extend the possibilities of the Monopile XL in offshore wind projects. Our product range includes pile-handling equipment for upending, lifting and guiding of piles. Our equipment can also be utilised for the installation of FPSO mooring piles, pipeline initiation piles, wellhead protection piles, pre-piled jacket foundations and pre-driven conductors.

IQIP developed a wide range of handling equipment, starting from our Flange Clamp Tool, Jacket Pile Gripper, Levelling Tool, Dynamic Outrigger Frame, and Upending Frame.

Flange Clamp Tool

The Flange Clamp Tool (FCT) is designed by IQIP to create a temporary connection between two flange structures. The tool is remotely operated by radio control and has a fail-safe system engagement. The FCT is multifunctional and is beneficial to safety during on- and offshore operations: It has successfully been used in offshore wind projects as a smart solution to temporarily secure wind turbines without the necessary presence of personnel within the wind turbine

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Jacket Pile Gripper

Leveling a jacket foundation into the correct position and creating a grouted connection to keep it secure, is a vital part of the installation process for offshore platforms and wind turbines. Applying jacket pile or skirt pile grippers to secure the jacket, retain the leveled position, and offer stability during grouting operations, results in improved grout quality and a cost reduction. After activation of the grippers the structure can be temporarily abandoned for circumstances such as bad weather, which reduces risk during installation.

2015 JPG in jacket

Levelling Tool

Levelling Tools are used to level jackets, templates, and offshore structures. With our extensive track record and proven technology, we offer a rental fleet of Levelling Tools starting from 200t to 3,000t, also available for purchase. The range for subsea Levelling Tools is between 1,600t to 3,000t and supports pile ranges of 72’’ to 102’’. For above water use 200t, 800t, and 1,600t units are available that are adjustable for all pile diameters. Jacket Pile Grippers and Levelling Tools can be combined easily for a completely workable solution.

Leveling Tool 3

Dynamic Outrigger Frame

The Dynamic Outrigger Frame is set to be a groundbreaking piece of equipment long into the future. It will enable contractors to speed up the foundation installation process and expand their operational weather windows. This will result in reduced construction costs in the offshore wind sector.

Dynamic outrigger frame dof
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