The latest lifting equipment for your next project

If you are you looking for lifting equipment and tools, look no further! IQIP offers the latest lifting equipment suitable for your project. We understand your challenges and are here to help you making your project successful. Our advisory services are here to help you to find the most efficient, effective, safe and environmentally friendly solution. IQIP has both the expertise and equipment to get the job done.

IQIP developed a wide range of lifting equipment, starting from our Combi Lifting Spread, Hydraulic Release Shackles, Internal Lifting Tool, and Pile Upending Tool.

Combi Lifting Spread

In the harsh conditions of the offshore wind market, crane operations can often be labour intensive and come with risks. IQIP has developed the Combi Lifting Spread to overcome these challenges on safety and allows you to execute projects without the need of hands on deck. Furthermore, the tool reduces operational time and costs, which will maximise the efficiency of projects offshore

Combi Lifting Spread

Hydraulic Release Shackles

IQIP offers Hydraulic Release Shackles ranging from 25 to 2,000 tonnes that are suitable for water depths of 500 to 3,000m. These are used to install and decommission on/offshore structures by allowing the remote release and engagement of lift rigging from structures being raised. Over the past 30 years, our shackles have been used on projects all over the world and have an extensive track record

2010 Ormonde Hydraulic Release Shackles 3

Internal Lifting Tool

The Internal Lifting Tool (ILT) is used for the lifting and upending of structures and piles. During the operations the tool will be placed inside the pile or structure. When the tool is lifted, the lifting contact teeth around the gripping circumference expand and make contact with the pile inner wall which results in an fail-safe and quick lift. The fail-safe system allows for the gripping force onto the lifted structure to be maintained as the load is lifted and thereby preventing the release of the tool if it is under load. The connection and disconnection of the Internal Lifting Tool can be handled remotely. In this way, you will reduce the human interaction and increase the safety of the operation.

Internal Lifting Tool 2000x1412 1

Pile Upending Tool

Our Upending Tool makes it possible to raise monopiles efficiently and place the pile in the needed position. The same actually applies to our Flanged Pile Upending tool, which is specially designed for XL monopiles with a flange. The tool installs flanged monopiles safely while being remotely controlled by operators on board. The Flanged Pile Upending Tool has lifting capacities up to 1,600t, with an XL version with larger capacity already on the drawing table, where this upending tool can upend up to 1,400t.

Upending Tool WEB
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