In spring 2018, IQIP’s no-hands-on-deck approach ensured client Jan De Nul Group a significant time saving as well as increased safety during the installation of 36 XL monopile foundations. The installation was carried out as part of the construction of the Borkum Riffgrund 2 wind farm in the German North Sea and thus had to apply with German noise regulations (Max 160 dB at 750m).
Finishing the installation of the 36 eight-meter diameter monopiles of the Borkum Riffgrund 2 wind farm ahead of schedule and with a number of direct and indirect cost savings, Jan De Nul Group cemented its role as a serious offshore wind partner. This was achieved by, amongst others, the application of IQIP’s Combi Lifting Spread (CLS), and the Integrated Monopile Installer’s Noise Mitigation Screen (NMS), all part of IQIP’s no-hands-on-deck toolset (the NMS was combined with one BBC).
Combi Lifting Spread: an increase in safety
Allowing automatic couplings and lifts via one connector and corresponding sockets on top of tools, the CLS reduced the number of riggers required on deck and mitigated the risks that are involved with manual connections of crane hook, slings, and installation equipment. On top of costs savings, this meant a significant increase in safety as most operations could, thanks to built-in GPS, cameras, and a base inclination tool, be autonomously executed by the crane operator.
On top of the direct cost savings provided by the reduction in staff onboard and the deduction in vessel hire costs and fuel, the use of the CLS provided the client the additional advantages of reduced crane movement, meaning less wear on the crane wire, shorter slings, and fewer shackles needed. Furthermore, as all equipment for the installation was provided by IQIP, fewer technicians were needed onboard, and less time was spent in meetings thanks to the planning being executed through one single point of communication.
In addition to the increased safety onboard, we realised the challenging noise level limitation that was set by the BSH. We achieved this by employing our NMS in cooperation with a third party who supplied a bubble curtain.
The installation was performed from Jan De Nul’s jack-up installation vessel Vole au vent.
Consequently, in the end, IQIP’s contributed largely to significant time savings with early project completion, an increased safety onboard and execution with the greatest care for the marine environment.
Main IQIP equipment deployed:
- S-3000 Hydrohammer spread incl. hammer socket. The S-3000 (weight 640T) was delivered with several systems, including:
- PCPS Pile (Pile Coating Protection System) on the 6500 Sleeve (to prevent damage to the coated pile).
- PIME (Pile Inclination Measurement Equipment) to measure the installation verticality.
- CLS – Special Lifting system used for easy pickup of each part of our equipment without help of riggers. Hammer Socket as part of the CLS.
- Integrated Monopile Installer: NMS8800 and Rotation tool to rotate the pile in the correct orientation – the NMS 8800 and sleeve were specially built for this project and assembled in Eemshaven where Jan De Nul’s Vole au vent picked it up.
- NMS Guiding Tool and LARS system to control the motion of the NMS.
Additional equipment delivered by IQIP
- Hydraulic power pack P-2200W
- Hydraulic power pack P-2200W
- Hydraulic power pack P-1100W
- Hydraulic hose reel HR-10/50 incl hoses
- Control cable reel ER-200
- Spare parts container 20ft
- Control cabin container 20ft
- Hose container 10ft
- TPLT (Transition Piece Lifting Tool) incl. socket
- FPUT 1200 T (Flange Pile Upending Tool) incl. socket and up-end frame
- Power pack/Hose reel 5,5 kW
- Lifting connector in Frame
- Spare Anvil in frame (B01)
- Spare Anvil ring in frame (A01)