IQIP contributing to the development of the offshore windmarket in Japan

News published on 23 march 2023

Hydrohammer, FPUT and PGT on it’s way to Japan

IQIP has provided an S-2000 hammer spread with Flanged Upending Tool (750t FPUT) and Pile Guiding Tool (PGT) for Shimizu Coorporation to contribute to the Nyuzen Offshore Wind Farm Project in Japan.

It is a test project for the installation for 3 monopiles of 5,5m OD and on each pile a WTG of 3,0 MWS will be installed. With a total of 7.495 MW. M/V “Blue Wind”, a jack-up vessel with 2.500Te lifting capacity (under construction) owned and operated by Shimizu Corporation will be used for installation. This project is an important step in the development of the offshore windmarket in Japan. Start of the project is April 2023 and expected to take a month.

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The Nyuzen Project is our second contribution to the development of the upcoming offshore wind market in Japan. Already in 2021 we supported the Akita-Noshiro offshore windfarm project.

Akita-noshiro offshore windfarm project

Akita Noshiro windfarm was the first large-scale offshore windfarm project in Japan. In total we installed 33 monopiles, 13 of which are installed near the Akita port, and 20 near the Noshiro port. During this near shore project, noise mitigation was a serious challenge. IQIP is known for its practical and theoretical knowledge and expertise around noise mitigation. Pile driving for onshore and offshore installations is restricted by precautionary regulations for airborne and underwater noise in many countries/regions. Fortunately, IQIP is always investing in the development of new innovative noise reduction solutions to ensure an environmentally friendly installation.

Want to know more about this project and how this was achieved, read our case story.