Off the coast at Nyuzen town of Toyama Prefecture, the construction of Japan’s first 100% private-sector offshore wind power generation is being constructed. To supported our client, IQIP mobilized a range of IQIP equipment, including an S-2000 hammer spread with a Flanged Upending Tool (750t FPUT) and Pile Guiding Tool (PGT). This equipment successfully installed the monopiles of over 51-meter length and 5.5 outside diameter.
Hydrohammer ® to drive the monopiles into the ground
The Hydrohammer ® S-2000 (2,000 KJ) was used for driving the steel piles in to the seabed. Prior to the operations the advisory service IQIP analysed the geotechnical conditions and calculate the most effective, efficient and safe piling procedure and the most suitable equipment for the piling operation.