Succesful installation of the monopiles at the offshore windproject Nyuzen Town

News published on 25 April 2023

Off the coast at Nyuzen town of Toyama Prefecture, the construction of Japan’s first 100% private-sector offshore wind power generation is being constructed. To supported our client, IQIP mobilized a range of IQIP equipment, including an S-2000 hammer spread with a Flanged Upending Tool (750t FPUT) and Pile Guiding Tool (PGT). This equipment successfully installed the monopiles of over 51-meter length and 5.5 outside diameter.

Hydrohammer ® to drive the monopiles into the ground

The Hydrohammer ® S-2000 (2,000 KJ) was used for driving the steel piles in to the seabed. Prior to the operations the advisory service IQIP analysed the geotechnical conditions and calculate the most effective, efficient and safe piling procedure and the most suitable equipment for the piling operation.

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The Flanged Upending tool to upend and lift the monopoles

The Flanged Pile Upending tool (750t FPUT) is specially designed to upend and lift large diameter piles with an integrated flange. This upending tool with a lifting capacity up to 750 ton makes it possible to raise monopiles efficiently and accurately place the pile in the right position.

Pile Guiding and positioning frame for guiding and pile positioning

The Pile Guiding & Positioning Frame, also known as Pile Guiding Tool (PGT), has dual functions of up-ending and gripping, and was used for guidance of the foundation piles during upending and for positioning during pile driving. This tool guarantees the accurate positioning of monopile directly on pile position and eliminates any extra transfer and vertical pile movement in order to maximize operational efficiency.

We are very proud of the positive collaboration with our client and to be part of the construction of Japan’s first 100% private-sector offshore wind power generation. With a maximum output corresponds to the power consumption of approximately 3.600 households, we’re proud to support this significant step forward into Energy Transition in Japan.

Let’s build the tomorrow’s world together.

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IMG 6613

About IQIP

IQIP is the worldwide leading foundation and installation specialist, and has been offering total solutions for construction projects in the Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas, and Coastal & Civil markets, as well as Decommissioning, for over 40 years.

IQIP are experts in the development of innovative and high-quality equipment for efficient pile driving, handling, lifting and subsea pile guiding. Through consultancy, engineering, production and installation services, IQIP delivers tailor-made solutions to optimise operational efficiency and reduce risks on client projects and to build a sustainable world for the next generation.

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